Method chaining in TypeScript

Method chaining in TypeScript

Method chaining is a very useful and popular method in JavaScript and TypeScript which helps you write more readable and concise code. In this article, I will explain how method chaining works in JS/TS and how can you write your chainable methods.

What are methods in JavaScript/TypeScript

a method is a function that is associated with an object or a class. Methods are used to encapsulate functionality that is related to a particular object or class and to provide a way to access and manipulate the data that the object or class contains.

Methods are declared within an object literal or class definition, and they are called on an instance of the object or class. For example

class Person {
  hobbies: Array<string> = [];

  // A method that adds a hobby
  addHobby(hobby: string) {

Example of method chaining

Let's have a look at a popular example that uses method chaining :

import express from "express";
const app = express();

  .get((req, res) => {
    res.send('Get a random book')
  .post((req, res) => {
    res.send('Add a book')
  .put((req, res) => {
    res.send('Update the book')

In the above example, you can see app is an express instance and it has four functions/methods chained, route, get, post & put. Looks cool right?

Understand & Create a class with chainable methods

If we breakdown the express.js example it works the same as the below code

import express from "express";
const app = express();

  .get((req, res) => {
    res.send('Get a random book')

  .post((req, res) => {
    res.send('Add a book')

  .put((req, res) => {
    res.send('Update the book')

so how does this work? the answer is pretty simple, each of the methods here returns the instance itself, thus you can continue adding new methods after using each of them, or chain the methods.

Let's create one class with a few methods, A Calculator class for example -

// Example without chaining methods
class Calculator {
  private n: number;
  constructor(num = 0) {
    this.n = num;

  add(num: number) {
    this.n += num;
    return this.n;

  sub(num: number) {
    this.n -= num;
    return this.n;

  multiply(num: number) {
    this.n *= num;
    return this.n;

  divide(num: number) {
    this.n /= num;
    return this.n;

  get answer() {
    return this.n;

// Usage
const calc = new Calculator(10);
console.log(calc.answer); // Outputs 51

Now, let's make those methods chainable by returning this or the instance itself, so that it can handle chaining methods.

// Example with chaining methods
class Calculator {
  private n: number;
  constructor(num = 0) {
    this.n = num;

  add(num: number) {
    this.n += num;
    return this;

  sub(num: number) {
    this.n -= num;
    return this;

  multiply(num: number) {
    this.n *= num;
    return this;

  divide(num: number) {
    this.n /= num;
    return this;

  get answer() {
    return this.n;

// Usage
const calc = new Calculator(10);
console.log(calc.answer); // Outputs 51

As you can see, now the methods are chainable and it looks much more concise.

I hope you learned something new today, If you think I have made some mistakes please do let me know in the comments. Thanks, and see you again in my next post.